Home Play Station Decade-Old Xbox 360 Gets Enhanced Cloud Storage

Decade-Old Xbox 360 Gets Enhanced Cloud Storage

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The Xbox 360 has been around since 2005. 10 years later, most other companies would drop support for it altogether, but not Microsoft. It just announced a bunch of new updates to the console.

These include expanded cloud storage and the ability to log on to the Internet from public locations that require you to agree to a terms of use acceptance.

“Starting today you will now be able to use up to 2GB of Cloud Storage on your Xbox 360. Use your Cloud Storage to save the game saves you want to bring with you to Xbox One for Xbox One Compatible games,” said Larry ‘Major Nelson’ Hryb, Director of Programming for Xbox Live on his blog.

(Also see:Check Out Windows 10 and Backwards Compatibility on the Xbox One Soon)

Other additions include an improved activity feed and the ability to see what your friends are doing on Windows 10 and Xbox One via your Xbox 360. Also, you can now access your movie and TV collection from Microsoft Movies & TV and your Music in Groove Music. And if you’re looking to purchase game digitally, your Microsoft account will show how much money you have when you’re checking out a game or browsing the marketplace.

From all of these additions, the biggest is most definitely enhanced cloud storage. With Microsoft pushing backwards compatibility on the Xbox One as a major selling point, being able to move save files between the Xbox 360 and Xbox One is important. Previously you were limited to a mere 512MB, quadrupling it is a good way to ensure everyone on an Xbox 360 looking to upgrade has a seamless way to do so.






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