Home Gadgets Snapdragon Tech Summit 2021: Snapdragon Insider Ryan (@ryjb on Twitter) brings you a Day 3 recap.

Snapdragon Tech Summit 2021: Snapdragon Insider Ryan (@ryjb on Twitter) brings you a Day 3 recap.

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Ryan (@ryjb) / Twitter

Welcome to the final recap for the 2021 Snapdragon Tech Summit. I’m Ryan—@ryjb on Twitter—and I’m going to take you through Day 3.

Started the day with this amazing view.

Next up was a Twitter Spaces conversation with Qualcomm’s Jason Woodmansee and Snapdragon Insiders Lia (@GGG_by_Lia) and Adam (@techvamp). We talked about all of the announcements here at Snapdragon Tech Summit and what our experience has been like (in a word, Amazing!).

After lunch, it was on to the announcement of the winner of the #ShotOnSnapdragon photo contest. Congrats Mike! Sweet photo. Thanks to all of you who voted! The 8K room featured all of our photos and it was incredible!

After that, a few creators—Tom The Tech Chap, Danny Winget, and Enobong Etteh—joined us. They told us all about how they became content creators and how they grew their followings.

The day ended with a traditional Hawaiian luau. So much great energy at this event. Such an amazing opportunity to go behind the scenes and learn about all things Snapdragon from the folks that make it happen.

Well, Snapdragon Insiders, that’s a wrap!

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