One of the best strategy games of all time, Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 is free on Electronic Arts’ Origin service right now. And that’s not all, the company is throwing in its expansion pack, Yuri’s Revenge as well.
The downside though is that you’ll need to use the Origin client to get it though. In our experience, it hasn’t been the most reliable piece of software, and our attempts at playing FIFA 16 on PC only served to compound the perception. In fact, even trying to claim Red Alert 2 free now is throwing up errors, which may be due to the traffic on Origin right now. Nonetheless, you might be able to fare better.
(Also see:Top 5 Strategy Games You Have to Play)
There’s no telling when EA might decide to flip the switch and make it a paid purchase though, so we suggest grabbing it as soon as possible. As the site says, “make sure to act fast because On the House specials can appear and disappear at any time”.
For many, Red Alert 2’s fantastic musical score, its almost satirical script that’s backed up by campy acting, and fairly-balanced gameplay, makes it hold up even 15 years after its release. The game is also available on EA’s Origin platform as a part of Command & Conquer: The Ultimate Collection. With the Command & Conquer series being 20 years old, we won’t be surprised if EA is using Red Alert 2 as a freebie to gauge interest in another game whose last entry was the poorly received Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight.