Home Apps Android Wear App Update Brings Back Battery Stats

Android Wear App Update Brings Back Battery Stats

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Google updated its Android Wear companion app last month bringing it to version 1.4. The update at that time removed the smartwatch battery stats page from the app’s Settings page. The company has now rolled out another update to the app bringing back the feature. The update bumps-up the app to version to

The smartwatch’s battery stats can now be viewed under the companion app’s Settings tab. The feature shows users a graph detailing the connected smartwatch’s battery level over time alongside the apps that are consuming the battery. It is yet to be discovered if Google has simply reintroduced the feature or made any other tweaks as well.

The update is rolling out in phases and it might take a while to reach all users. For those who don’t want to wait, they can manually download and install the app’s apk file shared by apk mirror website.

Google updated the Android Wear app last month bringing several features. The update made some amendments to the screen of the Settings app. The Cloud sync toggle was moved from the main list to under Privacy & personal data. It also brought a new toggle with the sole job to make it possible for users to send diagnostic information to Google. It also made possible to enable or disable tip cards in the main screen of the watch from the companion app’s Settings page.

The update however, was said to include some bugs as well. Several Android Wear users reported issues regarding connectivity, pairing and battery life on their Android Wear watches after installing the update.

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