Popular messaging platform Viber on Monday launched a new ephemeral messaging application called Viber Wink.
Viber Wink is an instant camera app, using which you can capture photos or videos and send them to others. Once the receiver sees the photo or video message, the message automatically is deleted. Some of the rival ephemeral messaging applications include Snapchat, Telegram, and others. It is available for both Android and iOS devices.
“Take a picture or video with Viber Wink, save it to your gallery or set a time limit for it and share via Viber. Once the recipient has seen your message it will disappear,” says the application’s description. Users have the option to set a timer for a message for 1 second, 3 seconds, 7 seconds, 12 seconds or No Time Limit. The Viber Wink app interface is simple and easy to use. Including a text in between a photo or video message (like in Snapchat) and shooting from the device’s front-facing camera is also possible.
If you want to send a Viber Wink message to someone who does not use Viber, you can simply send the upgrade link or can save the message in the device itself. The message will disappear once it has been seen by the recipient. Sending a Viber Wink message from inside the Viber app is also possible.
For Apple users, Viber Wink app is compatible with devices running iOS 8.0 or later OS versions, andweighs 3.7MB in size. On Android, the app runs on OS version 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich or later versions, and weighs 5.3MB.