Home Apps Twitter Rolling Out ‘Who to Follow’ Feature to Android and iOS Apps

Twitter Rolling Out ‘Who to Follow’ Feature to Android and iOS Apps

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Twitter has added a ‘who to follow’ feature on iOS that links you to other users that the social media giant thinks you would be interested in keeping in touch with.

It would use your history and uploaded contacts to make recommendations to follow the accounts, and it may also feature promoted accounts, Twitter detailed on its support page.

The new feature, which was announced on Friday, is placed right in the central timeline, but the section stays inline as you scroll.

Twitter noted that if it by chance recommends you follow someone who is dead, you may contact the company’s support team.

But just like ‘While you were away’ feature, you can close the entire thing by tapping the ‘X’ symbol.

Twitter late last month appeared to have begun testing of new photo and video editing tools with limited users. The new photo and video editing tools were tipped by several celebrities, including Taylor Swift and Pharrell Williams, with their tweets during MTV’s Video Music Awards.

Twitter’s Lara Cohen, Director of Entertainment Talent, seemingly confirmed that some photo and video tools were being tested by these celebrities in a tweet where she said, “OMG @taylorswift13 with these new photo tools.” So far, there is no word what are the exact tools that Twitter is currently testing but by looking at the shared images by celebrities, it looks like soon users will be able to add stickers, doodles, text, and more in images and videos before sharing them on Twitter.










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