Home Play Station Sony’s Days of Play will still happen this year, with a steel gray PlayStation 4

Sony’s Days of Play will still happen this year, with a steel gray PlayStation 4

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There is no official announcement yet on the price of the steel gray PlayStation 4, but it will likely still cost the standard $300, which is not a bad price to pay for a limited edition version. It is unclear why Sony did not decide to release a PlayStation 4 Pro instead though.

If Sony will follow the pattern of previous years, it will be revealing its full slate for Days of Play near the end of May. The annual event will offer discounts across both games and hardware, in addition to starting sales for the limited edition PlayStation 4.

The return of Days of Play was the second to the last announcement for the latest State of Play, which ended with the latest trailer for the long-awaited Final Fantasy VII Remake. The teaser gave a glimpse of Cloud, Aerith, and Barrett, while showing off the game’s real-time combat system. The trailer said that more information will be revealed in June, which will likely be at E3 2019.

Other highlights of State of Play include the remake of PlayStation classic MediEvil and the Monster Hunter World: Iceborne expansion.


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