Home Education News MPs to assess impact of Brexit on universities

MPs to assess impact of Brexit on universities

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The impact of Brexit on England’s higher education sector is to be investigated by a group of MPs.

The Education Select Committee will assess the implications of the UK’s exit from the European Union on the reputation of England’s universities.

The inquiry will consider how England’s universities can remain competitive.

It will examine what Brexit means for EU students and staff already studying here and what it means for British students who want to work in the EU.

The committee will also report on what steps the government should take to mitigate the risks of Brexit and take advantage of opportunities.

The MPs hope the findings will influence the Brexit negotiations and inform the public.

Their investigation comes as some vice-chancellors consider opening campuses in Europe to offset the Brexit effect.

Invitation to respond

University bosses, lecturers and students will be able to submit their written views via the inquiry webpage until 11 November.

Neil Carmichael, who chairs the committee, said: “There are fears that Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union will have a negative impact on higher education.

“Concerns range from being able to attract the brightest students from across Europe to making sure UK universities maintain their places among the world’s best.

“The education committee is keen to hear from university leaders, academics, students and others, as we examine the opportunities for higher education post-Brexit and consider what the government’s priorities should be for the sector going into the negotiations with the EU.”

The inquiry follows the expansion of the committee’s remit to include higher education, further education and skills, following changes at the Department for Education.

The impact of Brexit on university research and funding will not be covered by the inquiry as these policy areas come under the responsibility of the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

[Source:- BBC]

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