The Final Fantasy XV-themed PlayStation 4 slim console announced for Japan earlier today is also coming to the United States and Canada, Sony hasconfirmed in a blog post.
The Limited Deluxe Edition Bundle, as it’s called, will feature a 1 TB hard drive and a nice-looking illustration of the moon on its front. Additionally, the console’s DualShock 4 features a Final Fantasy XV graphic. The game itself comes with a steelbook case that sports some striking art.

Also included in the package is a copy of the Final Fantasy XV movie,Kingsglaive, as well as DLC in the form of the Royal Raiment Outfit, the Masamune weapon, and the Leviathan Regalia skin.
The console will be sold exclusively at GameStop for $450 USD/$550 CAD. A release date for the bundle was not announced, but we’d expect it to launch alongside the game on November 29.
According to game director Hajime Tabata, the design is inspired by Final Fantasy XV’s main character Noctis gazing up at the moon during his travels throughout the game’s story.
After a delay, Final Fantasy XV is now scheduled to come out on November 29 for PS4 and Xbox One. In other news, the Final Fantasy XV playable minigame, Justice Monsters Five, is out now on mobile devices as a standalone game.
For more on Final Fantasy XV, check out GameSpot’s new feature, “Lessons From the Opening Hours of Final Fantasy XV.”
A new, more powerful PS4, the PS4 Pro, is scheduled to come out in November for $400. Final Fantasy XV is among the games that will be enhanced for the system.
[Source:- gamespot]