Home Play Station Cyber Monday PlayStation VR deals 2019

Cyber Monday PlayStation VR deals 2019

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Cyber Monday is giving you one last chance to get a PSVR on the cheap. It is one of the most accessible VR rigs, with a starting price hundreds lower than the majority of its PC-based competition. And while Black Friday has come and gone, you still have plenty of chances to get into PSVR for even less than usual thanks to the Cyber Monday PlayStation VR deals.

Cyber Monday has kicked off good and proper, and we’re expecting the deals to continue through the week. In terms of what to expect for the PSVR, everything’s on the table. Black Friday PlayStation VR deals were mostly bundles that included the headset, games, and accessories like the PlayStation Move controllers. That said, we wouldn’t be surprised to see Cyber Monday deals on individual PSVR games and accessories.

If you’re keen to get a headset at a good price, make sure to check out our guide below to see what kinds of hot deals we can expect throughout the week. However, if you’re looking to save on something a little more conventional, our Cyber Monday game deals have got you covered.

The answer to this question will depend on a number of factors, including what accessories and games are bundled in the Cyber Monday PlayStation VR deal, but if you consider a base price of around $280/£250 and work back from there then you’ll get some idea of the savings on offer.

The best PlayStation VR deals will include all of the accessories you need, such as a PlayStation Camera and a couple of PlayStation Move controllers. If you own any of those things already then you can potentially save yourself more money by picking up a bundle without them. Naturally, you’ll also want some PSVR games to play on your new headset, though it’s reassuring to know that there’s lots of free content on the PlayStation Store as well – including The Playroom VR and three downloadable “demo discs” of VR games, plus various other standalone demos.

(Image credit: Sony)


Obviously, you’ll need a console to hook up your Cyber Monday PlayStation VR, and we’ve been assuming you already have that side of things covered – if not, then check out the PS4 Cyber Monday deals available to get yourself a deal there too. Although PlayStation VR originally launched with the base PS4, its performance can be significantly improved by connecting it to a PS4 Pro console, so that’s something to bear in mind if you want to build yourself the best PSVR set up possible.

As well as a console and the headset, you’ll also need a PlayStation Camera for your Black Friday PSVR to function, as it’s used to detect the position and orientation of the lighting on the headset to relay your movements to the games you’re playing. Your VR experience will also benefit massively from having a couple of PlayStation Move controllers, as these provide much better motion tracking than the DualShock 4 light bar and are required to play certain games. If you have any PlayStation Move controllers from the PS3 era, these will be compatible with PS4 and PSVR, though those use mini-USB rather than the current micro-USB so you will need a separate cable to charge/sync them.

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