Home Apps Adobe to Optimise Creative Cloud Android Apps for Chromebooks

Adobe to Optimise Creative Cloud Android Apps for Chromebooks

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Adobe to Optimise Creative Cloud Android Apps for Chromebooks

With Chrome OS’ integration of Android apps being well-received, many app developers are now optimising their Android apps for Chromebooks. Adobe has also jumped onto the bandwagon and is optimising its Creative Cloud suite for the Chrome OS.

As a lucrative offer to students, Adobe Creative Cloud apps like Photoshop Mix, Lightroom Mobile, Illustrator Draw, Photoshop Sketch, Adobe Comp CC, and Creative Cloud Mobile will be available for free download. These apps are optimised to make the most out of stylus support, and the world-facing camera on recent Chromebooks.

Google partnered with Acer and Asus to announce education-focused Chromebooks a day before. Called the Acer Spin 11 and Asus C213 – the Chromebooks are designed specifically for students, packing a tough yet compact build, and special features targeted for the education customers. With the Adobe Creative Cloud Android apps optimisation, the company looks to give students powerful editing tools on these new Chromebook offerings.

Education institutions in the future will also be able to select and install specific Android apps in a fleet of Chromebook devices and monitor which should be blocked. More control to school administrators will be given in the future. Apart from this, other apps like WeVideo, Soundtrap, and Explain Everything have also been optimised and are available in the UK and the Nordic countries for now. They can be purchased at discounted rates from resellers like XMA, Lin Education, and Avalon Solutions.

[Source:- gadgets.ndtv]

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