Home Gadgets Watch This R2-D2 Drone Take To The Sky

Watch This R2-D2 Drone Take To The Sky

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R2-D2 Drone

Is this the drone you’re looking for? Don Melara has shown off a new drone that uses four propellers and has a body like R2-D2 from Star Wars.

Melara has quite a bit of experience with drones as he is an aerial cinematographer. This drone has a moving R2 head, LED jetpack lights on the feet and, of course, a speaker that can make the R2 beeps and whistles, making it sound like the real thing.

With the new Star Wars film on the way, the timing of this drone couldn’t be better. It was built starting with a DJI drone frame, and hence, allows for using the DJI GPS autopilot system and the CCD camera in R2’s eye. According to the video description, it only took eight days to build the drone, and the result is pretty impressive.

Of course, as cool as the drone is, we’ve all heard stories of Disney and Lucasfilm getting a bit suit-happy, so Melara may wind up with a strongly-worded letter. Also, because of that, Melara won’t be able to sell the drone or anything like that, however, given how manyStar Wars toys are set to roll out over the next few years, we wouldn’t be surprised if something similar ends up being officially released.

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