Home Social Media 100 Social Media Blogs – The Definitive List You Must Bookmark Now!

100 Social Media Blogs – The Definitive List You Must Bookmark Now!

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The Top 100 Blogs to Curate for Social Media Power Users

Social media and social networking sites aren’t just about making new friends. These concepts have introduced a whole new way of communicating and managing information with the help of Web-based communities, software and tools to build business contacts, and design marketing and branding strategies. These tools help users to share information in innovative and creative ways. This list of the top 100 social media and social networking blogs (in no particular order) are full of tips, news, and analyses about today’s social media outlets. Most Popular: Social Media These sought-after sites discuss all aspects of social media, including networking, reference sites, and news.

  1. Social Media: Blogger JD Lasica is a leading expert on social media. Read analyses of new blogs and sites, and discover what’s new in the social media industry.
  2. SMogger Social Media Blog: SMogger addresses the “ethical use of social media for business and regular folks.” Postergirl blogs about everything from collaborative tools and software to social networking to spam to You Tube. Be sure to check out this comprehensive blog.
  3. Leverage Social Media: Social media consultant Rod Amis discusses teen social networking, social media news and trends, and much more.
  4. AIM Social Media Blog: Find out about the latest updates and news coming from the AIM world, as well as articles that analyze AIM’s presence in the social media industry.
  5. The Social Media Marketing Blog: Discover the innovative ways marketing gurus are using social media networks to their advantage.
  6. Social Media Club: Social Media Club is the go-to blog for anyone interested in developing or learning about social media standards, trends, and communities.
  7. Social Media Release: Social Media Release is a smaller, more specialized blog affiliated with Social Media Club. Read about hRelease and other practices and applications.
  8. Viper Chill: This popular blog explores different business, website, and search engine optimization tricks achieved by using social media practices.
  9. Groundswell: This blog follows the progress, release, and themes of Groundswell, a book about the “spontaneous movement of people connecting, using online tools, taking charge of their own experience, and getting what they need- information, support, ideas, products, and bargaining power- from each other.”
  10. Social Media Buzz: Catch up on social media news and updates at Social Media Buzz.

Most Popular: Social Networking Learn about the newest communities and applications from these blogs that deal specifically with social networking.

  1. Mashable: Mashable is THE resource for social networking news and connections. Browse member profiles check out popular YouTube videos, connect with other social networking sites through The Grid.
  2. The Social Networking Weblog: Get tips and tools for polishing up your blog or podcast, check out other networking blogs in the site’s vault, or enter the kids and teens section for security information, blogging trends, and more.
  3. Venture Blog: Read about general social networking news and trends, including blogging and Internet media, at the Venture Blog.
  4. Blogster.com: Join the Blogster networking community to set up your own blog, read other bloggers’ daily posts, and catch up on social networking news, trends, and analyses.
  5. SociableBlog.com: This blog covers everything you need to know about social networking including connecting to Facebook, MySpace, You Tube, and other reader-powered communities.
  6. Social Networking: This site features a “meta-search database about social networks.” Browse articles to learn how to set up your own accounts at popular sites like Facebook and FriendFinder, or check out the latest news among various networking communities.
  7. Social Networking: MediaBlends.net: Discuss the benefits of online communities and collaboration at Social Networking.
  8. Network Weaving: This blog includes posts about “the creation of robust & vibrant economic and community networks.” Consistent, frequent articles make it a daily must-read.
  9. Alianzo Social Networking Blog: The Alianzo Networks company sponsors this blog, which covers all aspects of the social networking industry. Read about news, upcoming conferences, and online collaboration tools and applications here.
  10. Rotorblog.com: Recent articles include “Finally, a True Digg Killer?” and “Keep a Diary of Your Digital Life.” Fun how-to guides and newsworthy items are posted everyday.

Web 2.0 The newest trends in social media and Web-based communities are often categorized as belonging to the Web 2.0 generation. Check out these blogs for Web 2.0-specific issues and ideas.

  1. Dion Hinchcliffe’s Web 2.0 Blog: This Weblog from Social Computing Magazine covers all the Web 2.0 basics.
  2. The Web 2.0 Weblog: Topics include periodic featured blogs from Weblogs, Inc. and plenty of news and views from the online networking industry.
  3. Read/Write Web: Bloggers analyze all the issues coming from the Web 2.0 world. Don’t miss the weekly wrapup to catch up on the most important posts each week.
  4. TechCrunch: Online users post and edit on the forum at TechCrunch, “a weblog dedicated to obsessively profiling and reviewing new Internet products and companies.”
  5. The Next Net: The Next Net addresses all kinds of technology and Internet issues, including Web 2.0 and online collaboration.
  6. Texas Startup Blog: Blogger Alexander Muse posts articles about social media and Web 2.0 from an entrepreneur’s point of view.
  7. Profy: Internet and Web 2.0 enthusiasts edit the articles on Profy, where Web 2.0 is considered their “vision of the perfect Web.”
  8. twopointouch: Journalist Ian Delaney’s blog reports on social networks, Web 2.0 collaboration issues, online marketing strategies, and more.
  9. Web 2.0 Weblog: Read analytical posts about Web 2.0 development in Europe, China, and the U.S.
  10. The Enterprise Web 2.0 Blog: Web 2.0 software pros author this blog, which tackles topics like Ajax, Enterprise 2.0, and Web services.
  11. Sr-ultimate.com: Learn how to sign up for and implement Web 2.0 communities and software apps with the help of this blog. Readers will also find helpful information for making the most of Google apps, Ajax resources, and WordPress.
  12. Enterprise Web 2.0: This blog discusses how social media and the second-generation Web community can benefit the competitiveness of the business world.
  13. Original Signal Web 2.0 Frontpage: This resource finds the best Web 2.0-related articles on the Internet and organizes them for readers on this site.
  14. Everything 2.0: Everything 2.0 researches social media and Web 2.0 trends and posts helpful reviews of the latest products and downloads.
  15. Web 2.0 Workgroup: Web 2.0 Workgroup is an excellent resource for Web 2.0 fanatics. Link up with other sites and blogs for different views on Web 2.0 news and information.

Investor Analysis The following blogs will help you find information and analyses about investor interest in social networking sites.

  1. Social Media/Social Networking: Blogger Lisa Whelan explores the power of investments through sites like Facebook, Google, and others.
  2. Qumana Investor Blog: This investor blog discusses how social media, Internet marketing, and online collaboration can equal big profits in the business world.
  3. Blog Herald: This popular bloggers’ resource often covers social media and networking issues in articles like “What is the Return on Your Investment in Social Media?”
  4. NevilleHobson.com: This blog is “the place at the intersection of business, communication and technology.” Watch out for frequent posts about social media, Internet networking, and Web 2.0.
  5. Collective Intellect: The Collective Intellect blog provides news and advice for doing business through New Media, sponsorship of discussion and message boards, blogging, and other social media practices.
  6. The WebMarketCentral Blog: Author Tom Pick explains the benefits of investing in social networking communities, whether you’re connecting with an established site or launching your own.
  7. NetSquared: NetSquared is devoted to “remixing the Web for social change.” Read up on business deals, investor relations, and other need-to-know industry issues.
  8. B.L. Ochman’s Weblog: This blog covers social media trends, marketing strategies, and various investor news and analysis. Popular posts include “What Could Your Company Do With a Blog?” and “Jupiter Media’s Blogs Get Publicity in Investor’s Business Daily.”
  9. Leveraging Ideas: This blog concentrates on social media and company start up campaigns, at times touching on investor interests and venture capital.
  10. Beth’s Blog: This blog focuses on how nonprofit organizations can take advantage of social media tools and principles to maximize and manage donor contacts, investment plans, and more.

Developer Blogs For direct information and how-to guides offering up advice on social media tools and software applications, turn to the professionals. These developer blogs are written by the industry pros themselves.

  1. The Social Software Weblog: Download the newest social media tools and applications at The Social Software Weblog.
  2. Forty: Forty’s company website also posts articles that offer up great tips for designing and organizing websites, blogs, and message boards.
  3. Econ SM Conference: As the official blog and site for the Econ SM Conference, this site is full of inside information about developing and implementing the newest social media technologies.
  4. talking web X.0: This Internet blog is a must-read for social media developers. Articles review and cover the latest tools, software, and networking communities on the Web.
  5. Dexterity Media Blog: Social media insiders discuss the future of online collaboration software, networking communities, and more.
  6. Scobleizer: Blogger and former Microsoft “technical evangelist” Robert Scoble dissects social media concepts for the average reader.
  7. A Social Interaction Design Blog: Social interaction designer and consultant Adrian Chan shares his expertise with readers to inform them of important communication issues and social media trends.
  8. Many-to-Many: Many-to-Many is a “group weblog on social software” that addresses new social media and networking communities, tools, and resources. Recent posts include “The internet’s output is data, but its product is freedom” and “History of social network sites (a work-in-progress).”
  9. Web Strategy by Jeremiah: Catch up on the most effective social media software at Web strategist Jeremiah Owyang’s informative blog.
  10. Paul Gillin’s Blog: Media consultant Paul Gillin explores in his blog “how social media and open computing are changing the business world.” Readers gain access to analytical posts about social media developments and software updates regularly.

Industry News These news blogs deliver all the Internet and social media-related headlines that will keep you in the know.

  1. SMEDIA: Get all the news, views, and information about social media from this website that critiques the latest headlines.
  2. Pluck: The social media company Pluck regularly posts news-worthy articles about social media trends, software developments, and popular online communities.
  3. ipressroom: ipressroom’s Internet PR News Blog hosts “discussions on media, marketing and public relations.” Read posts and interviews with media experts, or follow the reference articles for more in-depth coverage of industry news.
  4. The Buzz Bin: Communications junkies will love this blog for its news posts about social media and everything else buzz-worthy.
  5. PR Blogger: Learn about social media developments as they relate to the public relations industry, including press release info., YouTube news and more.
  6. New Persuasion: The New Persuasion blog reports on all kinds of communications and media news. Popular items include “The Ten PR Commandments” and “Viral Web Marketing Tips.”
  7. Trafcom News: This blog divulges “what’s new in print, new media and face-to-face communications,” including social media and social networking. Readers can also get great tips on podcasting, blogging, and using technology.
  8. ComTech News: ComTech News is designed to help readers access and understand the latest news in communications and technology. Find posts about Web 2.0, social networking, and online advertising.
  9. Digital Media Wire: The team at Digital Media Wire is devoted to “connecting people and knowledge.” Read news coming from the Internet, video, mobile, and marketing worlds.
  10. Social Networking News: Visit this site frequently to discover the newest online communities and tools.

Social Media and Marketing Social media is an increasingly effective and popular marketing strategies among large and small businesses. These blogs provide tips for developing your own marketing plans.

  1. Pronet Advertising: Neil Patel’s blog boasts informative, fun-to-read posts about about the various marketing strategies that can be implemented through social media, blogging, and search engine optimization.
  2. Personal Branding Blog: Discover the ways in which social media can give your company’s PR and marketing strategies a real boost.
  3. PR Squared: Learn how to write a press release for social media outlets and design PR pitches for media beyond print, radio and TV.
  4. Todd And Marketing: Browse categories like design, blogging, marketing, and social marketing to develop an all-inclusive marketing strategy based on the principles of social media.
  5. Techipedia: This blog is run by Tamar Weinberg, an SEO and social media marketing expert. It covers “social media, internet marketing, and personal/biz development from a tech geek at heart”.
  6. Britopian: Find articles about online marketing, search engine optimization, blogging, community management, and software on this easy-to-read social media blog.
  7. Social Marketing Journal: The Social Marketing Journal sponsors discussions about social marketing and social networking, through outlets like Facebook, Flickr, or LinkedIn. This site is also a good resource for companies learning how to manage their message boards and social software.
  8. The Social Media Experience: This colorful site addresses news and trends in the social media world, especially as they relate to marketing and the business world. Recent posts include “Context Marketing: What is Contextual Feed Reader Optimization?” and “Craigslist Affiliate Marketing: Get Creative with Squidoo.”
  9. Social Media Marketing 2.0: This blog is the perfect educational tool for those wanting to learn how to “incorporate new media into [their] marketing and advertising campaigns.”
  10. Social Marketing: Read articles explaining the benefits of using YouTube and other socially-driven sites as a part of your company’s marketing plan.
  11. Influential Marketing Blog: This blog walks readers through clever ways to maximize social media practices in order to achieve higher profits and more effective product branding methods.

Social Media and Google Internet powerhouse Google has lots of social media tools and programs. This list will direct you to blogs that concentrate on Google’s role in the newest social media explosion.

  1. Data Mining: Read about the different apps that Google sponsors in conjunction with social media and social networking concepts.
  2. Search Engine Land: This blog explores Google’s strong presence in the social media and networking industry, including marketing, YouTube, and of course, search engines.
  3. Searchviews: This blog contains articles on a wide variety of social media and search marketing topics, including an entire section reserved for Google-related issues.
  4. Official Google Blog: For up-to-the-minute updates directly from the source, check out the official Google blog to find out their next move.
  5. iMedia Connection: Visit this site to discover why Google has remained the number one search engine on the Web.


  1. Ross Mayfield’s Weblog: Socialtext CEO Ross Mayfield addresses industry issues like ethics, mergers, and new communities.
  2. International Conference on Weblogs and Media: The official site for this popular conference offers information about this year’s speakers, committees, sponsors, and more.
  3. Bruce Clay: Consultant Bruce Clay is the author of this blog, which covers all aspects of social media and search engine optimization. Get information about the industry’s choice tools and software, ethics guidelines, and SEO analyses.
  4. Broadstuff: Broadstuff takes a look at everything from Web 2.0 to software to Facebook to mobile media consultancy.
  5. Prospero Social Media Blog: Social media professionals take a look at the issues related to online communities, social networking, Web 2.0, blogs, and message boards.
  6. Social Media Optimization: Discover exactly why social media is becoming more and more necessary for successful social and professional organizations.
  7. Blogs and Social Media Forum 2: This online community is full of articles, videos, and other resources about the social media industry.
  8. Chris Pirillo: Discover the many facets of social media: social networking, social computing, and others.
  9. Hyku: Social media consultant Josh Hallett responds to the emerging questions and issues surrounding the social media explosion.
  10. The Jeff Pulver Blog: Read Jeff Pulver’s “notes, comments, and observations” about the changing landscape of business, media and social communications.
  11. Center for Social Media: This blog, from the School of Communications at American University, publishes articles about new media, social media, and the future of communication as it relates to technology.
  12. Resonance Partnership Blog: Marketing and branding consultant Marianne Richmond explores the ins and outs of social media and “word of mouth marketing” in her well-organized blog.
  13. The Network Garden: Mark Sigal explains the concepts and tools behind social media. Recent titles include “On Intellectual Honesty…” and “vSocial Launches Twiddeo (Twitter + Video).”
  14. Buzz Networker: Buzz Networker is designed to teach readers “how to use social networking to create brand recognition for your business, your product, or yourself.” Popular categories include reviews, podcasts, Spanish language sites, and networking tools.
  15. eLearning Technology: This blog teaches readers how to use the newest technology tools, including bookmarking, social networking software, and wikis.
  16. Internet Time Blog: This blogger addresses everything from knowledge management to social psychology to design principles, and other topics related to social network analysis.
  17. Support Blogging!: Read about new ways to make the most of your blog through beefing up your list of social contacts and friends.
  18. I Hate Livejournal: Read about this blogger’s aversion to the popular social networking site LiveJournal.
  19. Social Networking Portal: This site is great for catching up on industry news, trends, tools, and applications.
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