Home Social Media Top 10 Social Media Blogs to Follow and Subscribe

Top 10 Social Media Blogs to Follow and Subscribe

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Best Social Media Newsletters to Subscribe To

With so much to do, finding time to juggle priorities is difficult. That’s why I’m spending a few days to reprioritize some tasks, clean up my calendar, and purge the 6 email inboxes I maintain. As I review what’s landing in my inbox, I can’t help but notice that some of it is junk, some of it is highly valuable content from my favorite sources, and the rest is hit or miss. For one inbox, I used a tool called Unroll.me to unsubscribe to everything quickly, so that I can start over.

Now that I’m at zero email subscriptions, time to (re)subscribe to the ones that matter the most. Since this inbox is primarily for my daily social media fix, I decided to subscribe to only 10 blogs that have a strong focus on social media.

Here’s my first batch of subscriptions (in no particular order or rank):

#1. Social Media Examiner

A well-known and frequently visited social media hub, Social Media Examiner, is your one-stop destination for social media content. The articles range from news, opinions, tips, and how tos on improving your marketing efforts.

Why subscribe?

Apart from being one of the most highly regarded sources on social media, subscribing to the Social Media Examiner’s newsletter entitles you to a freebie: a Social Media Marketing Industry Report. The report contains over 80 charts showing stats about the industry. Oh, and they have over 400,000 subscribers too!

#2. Socialmouths

Though relatively new and not as well known, Socialmouths’ founder, Francisco Rosales, offers kick-ass social media advice for real entrepreneurs and marketers that is highly regarded by industry professionals, such as Buffer cofounder, Leo Widrich.  The blog covers everything from content creation for social networking sites to driving sales leads.

Why subscribe?

Apart from being an awesome source, the content is engaging and straight-forward – it feels as if you’re reading an entertaining book. The website also features guest articles from social media marketing experts.

#3. Social Media Explorer

Social Media Explorer is a hub to find social media related articles written by guest contributors.

Why subscribe?

It has over 2000+ in-depth quality articles about social media and is consistently churning out new content.

#4. Jenn’s Trends

Since our team recently got on the Instagram bandwagon, Jenn may become our new best friend. Jenn’s Trends is a social media with unique insights on leveraging Instagram. If you’re clueless about how to use Instagram for business, or social media marketing in general, then Jenn’s Trends is a great resource.

Why subscribe?

Instagram is shaping up to be a great marketing tool – after all, it has already exceeded Twitter in terms of the number of users, (~300 million daily). Tap into the IG goldmine with Jenn as your guide.

#5. QuickSprout

I’ve been a long-time fan of Quicksprout and it’s not simply because it’s run by another guy with the same last name. Neil Patel, who also co-founded Kissmetrics, is one of the most highly praised digital marketing experts out there and reinforces the fundamentals of winning through content and social. He’s doing it all from launching and running successful internet businesses to managing marketing campaigns and strategy for big brands.

Why subscribe?

Neil Patel and his content speaks for itself.

#6. RazorSocial

RazorSocial is an award winning blog that has an edge (pun intended). Its founder is Ian Cleary who consults and advises businesses on finding a better system for social media or content marketing. Their blog covers all facets of the digital world, not just social media.

Why subscribe?

RazorSocial’s actionable content is fitting for both big businesses as well as solo-entrepreneurs.

#7. Buffer

Buffer sets the bar for high quality content that is in-depth, yet easy to understand for digital marketers and entrepreneurs. Given that they’re juggling the tough task of running a successful SaaS business while also serving as the go-to source for social media content, I’m an entrepreneur fanboy.

Why subscribe?

The articles are actionable and written by do-ers. This blog is a must read!

#8. Ask Aaron Lee

The opening paragraph on his About Me page explains it well.

If you want to learn how to leverage social media to grow your business. You’re in the right place. If you’re not getting any traffic or results from it. You’re also in the right place.

Why subscribe?

He’s humble and provides a ton of value by using actionable tips and reviews from his own social media ups and downs. Learn along the way.

#9. Gary Vaynerchuk

To the point! I like that about Gary Vee. He’s opinionated and can’t resist sharing his thoughts. While some of his content is geared towards entrepreneurship, the blog contains tons of gems on social media.

Why subscribe?

If not for the great content, then subscribe for the entertainment.

#10. Mashable

Even though their website is a pain to scroll through nowadays, Mashable is still king of social media news from all over the world.

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