Home Gadgets The Best Tech Websites to Follow in 2022

The Best Tech Websites to Follow in 2022

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Technology has invaded every aspect of our lives. From smartphones to smart cars- iPhones to Tesla, everything is now powered through technology.

Technology has completely revolutionized the way we interact, make friends, share our stories, and do our jobs.

Every day a number of new and awesome technological products are launched in the market. With tech evolving at a rapid pace, it’s difficult to keep up with the changes.

To give you an idea, everyday apps like Instagram, Lyft, Slack, Ring, Alexa, Tinder, Google Drive- all didn’t exist 10 years ago! Yet, now they seem like such an integral part of our lives.

If you work in the technology field or are just tech geeks like us, keeping up with technology news becomes a top priority!

To help you stay ahead of the world, we have compiled a list of some of the best tech websites to follow in 2022. So without further ado, let’s get started!

The Best Tech Websites You Must Follow!

1. TechCrunch

What it’s about: Kicking off our list is TechCrunch, one of our favorite tech websites on the web. If you are into the nitty-gritty of the startup world, TechCrunch is a must-follow resource.

Funding news, acquisitions, new feature launches, mergers, and breakthrough technology, TechCrunch keeps an eye out on everything happening in the tech world and delivers to you in an easy to read format.

They have a ton of podcasts on different topics too if you don’t like reading news on your phone.

2. Gizmodo

What it’s about:  A great culmination of tech news and gadget reviews, Gizmodo is a well-reputed tech site in this space. The website takes a lighter tone and focuses on providing entertainment along with information.

Their review section is a great place to get product knowledge- be it smartphones, laptops, tablets, wearables, or simply tech toys! Gizmodo’s science section is also a welcome addition to the site packed with knowledge up to the brim.

3. TheVerge

What it’s about: Another one of our favorites, especially if you are more into gadgets and other ‘cool stuff’, TheVerge is a great resource for that. Their YouTube channel is probably the best one out there for Tech news and gadget reviews.

The videos are well-produced and aesthetically pleasing, and so is their gorgeous website. They also have a science section on their website that covers a lot of interesting scientific theories and happenings.

The topics are split into different categories so you’ll have no problem finding exactly the type of content you are looking for.

4. VentureBeat

What it’s about: Focused on covering all the latest and greatest in tech, VentureBeat is purely a tech news website with no fluff whatsoever.

If you don’t want to get sidelined with other content and strictly want tech news, VentureBeat is a good place to start.

No matter if you are a tech enthusiast or a startup founder in the tech world, VentureBeat keeps you up to date with all things relevant in tech.

5. Wired

What it’s about: We are pretty sure you have heard about Wired. If you haven’t, you need to check out this cool tech website right away.

From tech news to how tech impacts our day-to-day lives, Wired has got you covered with everything you need to know in the world of technology.

Apart from technology, Wired covers a variety of topics like business, science, gear, security, transportation, and more. Their website is well organized and easy to read too.

6. Digital Trends

What it’s about: Digital Trends is a website full of great information. From the latest new product and gadget coverage to detailed product analysis, Digital Trends is a great website to stay on top of well, digital trends!

A standout feature is their ‘Original Series‘ tab which covers every topic in-depth in the form of a web series. The best ones are- The Food Fight, Woman with Byte, Digital Trends Live, and Tech for Change.

7. Mashable

What it’s about: Apart from covering the latest tech happenings and product launches from around the globe, Mashable is a full-fledged infotainment website covering topics like entertainment, politics, culture, science, business, and more.

Mashable is always on the lookout for fresh tech news and events and is definitely a great website if you want to catch up on a variety of different topics.

8. The Information

What it’s about: With the promise of “deeply reported articles about the technology industry that you won’t find elsewhere”, The Information is for those who want to learn more than the average tech-geek.

The Information features long-form content written by quality journalists to give you a 360-degree view of tech news and not just the fluff around it. It’s a paid service, but it’s worth every penny!

9. Term Sheet

What it’s about: Fortune Magazine has a great website covering topics like finance, politics, entertainment, on top of technology.

Their technological wing called Term Sheet is a great resource for all tech news. Funding announcements, IPOs, new product launches- TermSheet has got you covered with all the latest and greatest in the tech world.

10. Engadget

What it’s about: As the name suggests, Engadget is a gadget focused website doing product reviews and impressions. However, it also covers a heck of a lot of tech news.

The ‘Reviews’ section provides detailed product reviews and can help you when looking to buy a tech gadget. The ‘Buyer’s Guide‘ section is categorically arranged into different types of purchases to further help you out with your tech buying decisions.

11. Ars Technica

What it’s about: After being published for over 2 decades. Ars Technica is one of the oldest tech publications out there. It still continues to thrive and has gained a lot of loyal and frequent audience since its inception.

Apart from tech news, it also covers business and IT news, gadgets and automobile, science and culture, and much more. There’s a subscription plan present to get the most out of the site and get an ad-free experience.

12. The Next Web

What it’s about: The Next Web is one of the top viewed tech websites in the world and for a good reason. Apart from tech news, they cover gadgets in detail and do insightful product reviews.

They also have a list of tech conferences and events you can attend and tech deals to get the most out for your purchase. Their market intelligence platform called ‘Index.io’ gives you a detailed analysis of startup funding and other announcements.

13. Gadget Review

What it’s about: If you want a website specifically focused on the latest and greatest in tech, Gadget Review is a good place to start.

The website is neatly divided into different sections like appliances, games, gadgets, personal care, security, and much more and provides in-depth reviews on the same.

If you can’t find the product you are looking for, you can also use the suggestion box to request a product review from their website experts.

14. TechRadar

What it’s about: TechRadar calls itself the “source for tech-buying advice” and we couldn’t agree more.

From smartphones and Bluetooth headsets to laptops and cameras, TechRadar has detailed reviews and comparisons on every gadget you can think of and equips you with everything you need to be an informed buyer.

To help you get more from your tech devices and gadgets, TechRadar’s How-to section is an awesome resource.

15. Android Authority

What it’s about: If you are a hard-core smartphone enthusiast, especially revolving around the Android ecosystem, Android Authority is the go-to source for all things Android.

Android Authority provides news, expert tips, smartphone reviews, app reviews, best-of apps, how-tos, and a bunch of other cool stuff related to smartphones and android.

They also have a YouTube channel with daily uploads regarding the latest smartphone launches and apps.

16. Ubergizmo

What it’s about: Another website to help you out with your gadget buying decisions is Ubergizmo. Whether you are looking to buy the latest smartphone or a brand new laptop, Ubergizmo provides opinions and detailed reviews to help you out.

Apart from gadget reviews, Ubergizmo is also a great source of the latest tech news, covering everything from news to the latest events and conferences.

17. 9to5 Mac

What it’s about: The last tech website on our list is for Apple fans. 9to5Mac is a dedicated blog for Apple enthusiasts who want to know everything that Apple does- from new iPhone launches, iWatch news, smart cars, to iPad, iTV, and Apple Music.

They are one of the few sources that constantly break down rumors and is a must-follow source for those fascinated with everything Apple.

Final Words

There you have it, folks- some of the best tech websites to follow in 2022. If you want to be informed about everything happening in the world of tech and gadgets, the above-mentioned sites are more than enough to put you on the right track.


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