Home Social Media Social Media Blogs Are Continually Changing, Updating And Evolving

Social Media Blogs Are Continually Changing, Updating And Evolving

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To brush up on your social media skills you should be reading social media blogs on a daily basis. In this article about social media you will learn to write your own blog articles.

There is an ample amount of data on the Internet about social media, but the question remains:

  • What is social media?
  • Where is the best place to find social media help?
  • Which social media blogs are the best?
  • What are the benefits of social media?

When it comes to the top social media blogs, there is a huge selection of information out there. But there aren’t many social media platforms that reliably offer excellent content over and over again.

As somebody who’s spent a lot of time reading social media blogs,  I am going to list my 4 favorite social media blogs to follow in this article. This is what I think the best social media blogs are when it comes to value.

Table of Contents

Here Are 4 Social Media Blogs That Will Never Fail You

1. Buffer Social

buffer logo

Buffer is known as social media apps that make it better and easier to cope with your social media programmed posts. It also is to evaluate performances of posts and manage every social media account all at once.

Buffer is seen as essential not only for start-ups but for a social media manager and all businesses that aim at achieving the best content marketing and to build a large following for itself.

Buffer backs 4,000,000+ marketers aiding to their social media achievements.

Buffer’s social media apps started off as a tweet scheduling app that developed into a social media scheduling app.

The founders of Buffer are Leo Widrich and Joel Gascoigne.

With annual revenue of closely $4 million, Buffer has grown into one of the biggest social media platforms to schedule, evaluate and generate social media tactics together with Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and LinkedIn.

Top Articles To Read On Buffer’s Social Media Blog:

A Day In The Life Of A Social Media Manager: How To Spend Time On Social Media

“How do you break up your day in order to get the most out of social media? Up until recently, I hadn’t really thought about it much. A little bit of content creation, curation, audience engagement, emails, outreach, and some Buffer scheduling.’’ – Brian Peters

Why I Think Social Media Is For Branding And Engagement, Not Traffic Or Revenue

‘’Social media is changing. It used to be a one-to-many channel. Businesses would publish links, photos, and videos on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, hoping to reach as many people as they can and drive a high number of leads and sales’’. – Alfred Lua

The Simple Facebook Posting Strategy That Helped Us 3x Our Reach And Engagement

“Since October of 2016, we dramatically changed our Facebook posting strategy. A gradual, but noticeable shift in the Facebook and Instagram algorithm, plus an influx of brand advertising on Facebook meant that it was important for us to either start experimenting or we’d continue to see a decline in organic reach and engagement.”  Brian Peters

How To Use Pinterest: The Insider Guide For Businesses (With Strategies From The Pinterest Team)

Pinterest is one of the world’s leading platforms for sharing ideas and finding inspiration.

Over 200 million people flock to the social network each month to discover new products, recipes, destinations, articles, influencers, and so much more.

But Pinterest isn’t just for individual users like you and me.

It also represents a huge opportunity for businesses and brands looking to build an engaged audience and drive valuable traffic to their website.  Brian Peters

What To Post On Each Social Media Platform: The Complete Guide To Optimize Your Social Content

Not all content needs to be shared everywhere. And not all content is suitable for every social media platforms. It’s all right to post entirely different things on different platforms. In fact, it might even help you to boost your engagement.”  Alfred Lua

2. Sprout Social

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Sprout Social is a prominent digital media management software app, offering engagement, posting, data and tools for teamwork.

Sprout aids brands to connect with their clients on social networks, to work together across teams and also to measure the efficiency of their work.

Sprout is a social media marketing blog for companies with an emphasis on up-to-the-minute social media tips, social media marketing blogs posts, tactics, and greatest applications.

Established in 2010, Sprout Social was founded on the notion that the world is better when companies and clients can engage without restrictions.

Sprout has more than 24,000 incredible clients and their team has grown into the hundreds.

Top Articles To Read On Sprout Social:

15 Tips To Building A Better Social Media Presence

“If you’re a brand today, there’s a non-zero chance you’re on social media in some way, shape or form. But many brands have an active, thriving social media presence? And how much of them are just sort of there?”

Reality check: you can’t expect much from social when you post random links, @mention a few folks and call it a day. You need some structure. You need a social media strategy. – Brent Barnhart

Brand Loyalty: The Secret Behind Razer’s 10 Million+ Followers

“What would you give to have an audience of over 8 million Facebook fans, 3 million Twitter followers, 2 million Instagram followers and customers all around the world? Brands dream of building a massive following, but few ever succeed.”

So when a company using different types of digital marketing, is able to build a huge brand loyalty along with a community of crazed fans who engage with your brand on social media, then also show up to live events and recommend your products, it’s pretty extraordinary.

One brand that has done this all extremely well is Razer.

Razer sells hardware for gamers. Whether it’s a controller, keyboards or even a phone, Razer has become the go-to source for gamers looking for new gear. – Dominique Jackson

How To Identify Social Media Influencers & Collaborate On Campaigns

“Social media influencers are the bread and butter to marketing strategies and help brands build valuable relationships on social media platforms.

Most social media marketing managers prize their social media influencers because they can drive engagement and word-of-mouth communication to your brand at a higher rate than standard organic methods.

But some managers may be hesitant to consider a person a social media influencer just because they have more than thousands of followers.” – Alex York

7 Steps In Creating A Winning Social Media Marketing Strategy

Just a few years ago, you could get away with building a social media strategy on the fly.

As long as you were present, you were doing more than your competitors–right?

Although the history of social media confirms that 30% of millennials saying they engage with a brand on social at least once a month, your strategy can’t be only about existence.

Brands must be fully invested in their social media marketing strategies, and focus on engagement by also using Social Media Strategy Templates. –  Brent Barnhart

Top 8 Influencer Marketing Trends

It’s fair to say that 2018 was the year of influencer marketing. Brands flocked to influencers in hoards to help sell their products and services and social media marketing blogs 2019 to engaged audiences.

Don’t expect this trend to stop any time soon. Influencer marketing is going to continue to be a driving force for brands looking to grow their audience and improve sales through social media in 2019. Brent Barnhart

3. Hootsuite

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Hootsuite is a social media management platform, founded by Ryan Holmes in 2008.

It is the world’s best commonly used platform for managing social media and supports social network assimilations for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube.

It also supports Reddit, Storify, Tumblr, and Marketo through Hootsuite’s App Directory.

Hootsuite has nearly a 1,000 staff members found in 13 places. It has over 15 million users as well as 800+ of the Fortune 1000 companies in over 175 countries.

Top Articles To Read On Hootsuite:

How To Create A Social Media Marketing Strategy In 8 Easy Steps

“A social media marketing strategy is a summary of everything you plan to do and hope to achieve on social media. It guides your actions and lets you know whether you’re succeeding or failing. Every post, reply, likes, and comment should serve a purpose.” – Evan LePage and Christina Newberry

Is social media good or bad?

The more specific your strategy is, the more effective the execution will be. Keep it concise. Don’t make your plan so lofty and broad that it’s unattainable or impossible to measure.”

Instagram Hashtag Guide—How To Use Them And Get Results

“Hashtags—a combination of letters, numbers, and emoji preceded by the # symbol (e.g. #NoFilter, #WorldCup)—categorize content and make it more discoverable. Anyone who clicks on a hashtag or searches for it will see a page with all the posts tagged with it.” –  Michael Aynsley

The Facebook Boost Post Button: How To Use It In Your Facebook Marketing Strategy To Get Results

You spend a lot of time creating content to share on Facebook. But with the decline of organic reach, are you seeing enough return on that investment?

This is where the Facebook boost post feature comes into play.

Available to anyone with a business page, boosting a post on Facebook means paying to get your content seen by more people. – Hootsuite

The Ideal Social Media Marketing Blog Post Length: A Guide For Every Platform

Videos: 30 to 60 seconds

“With video, one of the primary measures of success is how long people watch, also known as your video retention rate.

In 2016, Kinetic Social tracked 2 billion social ad impressions and found that 44 percent of 30- to 60-second videos on Facebook were viewed to completion.

Meanwhile, videos that ran under 30 seconds or over two minutes saw completion rates of 26 and 31 percent, respectively.

A more recent poll, from 2018, showed that 33 percent of Facebook users preferred to watch shorter videos, from 30 to 50 seconds long.” – Eddie Shleyner

23 Benefits Of Social Media For Business

“What are the benefits of using social media for business? Consider that there are now more than 3 billion using social networks across the globe. And these people are using social to engage with brands.”

Sherpa Marketing found that more people follow brands on social media than follow celebrities.

On Instagram alone, 80 percent of people follow at least one business.

If you’re not taking advantage of social, you’re missing out on a fast, inexpensive, and effective way to reach almost half the world’s population. – Christina Newberry

4. Ignite Social Media

ignite social media logo

The greatest brands rely on Ignite Social Media since being founded in 2007.

Ignite Social Media was awarded the Social Media Agency of the Year in 2016 and is also a qualified Women’s Business Enterprise underwritten by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC).

Their social media know-how, social media marketing blog examples and significant skills range from content making to social media management, advertising campaigns, strategy to data analytics.

Top Articles To Read On Ignite Social Media:

Why People Share: The Most Overlooked Part Of Social Media Marketing

“A lot of great marketers make lousy social media marketers. Most of the time they don’t even know how bad they are at it, probably because they’ve been so successful in some other kind of marketing (advertising, PR, CRM… something).”

“I’ve seen this in various forms since we opened Ignite Social Media in 2007. Don’t get me wrong, we have great clients and they typically “get it.” But it’s recently become clear to me that the people I come across that don’t get it often miss two fundamental points.”

“Specifically: Pros and cons of social media:  Social media marketing doesn’t work unless people share. People share content for specific reasons, most of which have to do with how it makes them feel about themselves.”. – Jim Tobin

What To Expect On Social Media In 2019

“As social media marketers, we are constantly staying up to date on what is happening in the space and trying to anticipate what is going to happen next. We recently did a check-in on our 2018 social media predictions and it is time conjure up some new predictions for 2019.”

Facebook will continue to be in the spotlight!

I think that it will take some time for Facebook to get out of the hot seat.

In 2018  Facebook had to make many apology statements that their software bug accidentally switched the default privacy settings of 14 million users to public.

Not ideal timing as Facebook is trying to gain back the trust of users and their privacy concerns. Good thing Facebook’s apology campaign will run throughout the summer. – Kristina Nauman

How Often Should You Revisit Your Social Media Strategy And Facebook Marketing Strategy

“Creating a thorough social media strategy is an important part of your overall marketing strategy.

It should have information defining your social media objectives & KPIs, paid media plan, which channels are right for you, how often you should publish on each network, community engagement guidelines and best practices, and every component of your content from the tone of voice to topic themes.

Since social media changes so frequently, should you revisit your social media strategy adjust at the same speed?” – Derek Roessler

How Brands Can Stay At The Top Of Facebook’s News Feed

“If you’re a marketer, you’re well aware that the social space is constantly changing. It keeps us on our toes!”

Facebook is always working behind the scenes to create a better user experience (translate: make marketers want to bang their heads against a wall).

In December, the platform announced News Feed changes for posts with “engagement bait” – meaning posts with copy asking for comments, likes, or shares would be demoted in the News Feed.

Most recently, Facebook announced its algorithm changes which will “prioritize posts from friends and family over public content”. Translation: users will see more content from their friends and less content from brands and businesses. –  Jennifer Burns

Content Inspiration Provided By Each Social Channel

“In marketing, image is everything—especially when it comes to communication.

Though content calendars and audience insights go a long way in informing content strategies, one of the best ways to generate high performing content is by following each platform’s best practices.” –  Jennifer Burns

Over to you. Which social media marketing blog posts do you read most often? Share your comments below.

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