Home News A Quick Guide to Vacuuming Your Car Like a Pro

A Quick Guide to Vacuuming Your Car Like a Pro

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A considerable part of your day isspent in the car. Whether it is commuting to work, grocery shopping, dropping kids to school or various other purposes,a car has become the lifeline, especially if you live in busy metros. In the process, yourcar collects all sorts of dirt and dust.In case your pet also accompanies you occasionally,your car may also have pet hair, dander and much more to deal with.

If your car is not cleaned, all these can become a breeding ground for several allergens causing various sorts of health problems. This calls for constant vacuuming of your car to make it clean and free of allergens.

Here is a quick guide to vacuuming your car like a pro.

Use the Right Tools

You need anefficient vacuum cleaner with the right attachments to thoroughly clean your car. Ideally, you should buy a dedicated car vacuum but in case you don’t have that you can use a vacuum cleaner for sofa to do the job. The right attachments can help in reaching out to every nook and corner of the car and remove impurities.

Keep Vehicle Doors Open

To get proper and convenient access to each and every corner of the car, it’s good to keep all the doors of the vehicle open when vacuuming. This will help in pulling in and out the vacuum straight rather than circling around with closed doors. Opening of doors also helps in flushing out stale air and other musty odours from the car.

Remove Personal Items

At times, we keep accumulating personal stuff in the car, which leads to a clutteredcabin. When we give our vehicle for servicing, we need to remove all personal belongings from the care. Similarly, make it a habit to remove the unnecessary personal belongings from the car before every vacuuming session so that the vehicle looks neat and tidy.

Clear Out the Big Trash

Remove all disposable trash like wrappers, empty bottles, paper or polythene bags before you vacuum clean the car. It will not only make the vacuuming process fast but also make the vehicle look clean.

Floor Mats

Remove the floor mats to vacuum the area beneath them. The floor mats, being directly underfoot, are abused the most. Deal with them separately. If possible wash the carpetsor else use a wet and dry vacuum cleaner to remove all dirt and dust. Also, don’t forget to clean the other covers and mats like removable trunk liners.

Vacuum the Floorboards Thoroughly

Suction the carpet in all directionsto get results similar to that of professional cleaning. Start from the console side and then move to the outer edges. Repeat it multiple times till all the dirt is sucked. Slide the front seats back to get more room to do the task.

Following these tips will help you clean your car like a pro.Ensure that you follow the vacuuming process at least once in 15 days so that you can keep away dirt, dust and allergens from the interior of the car.

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