Home Play Station PS4 News: PlayStation Boss makes incredible Fortnite multiplayer announcement

PS4 News: PlayStation Boss makes incredible Fortnite multiplayer announcement

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PS4 News: PlayStation Boss makes incredible Fortnite multiplayer announcement

PS4 News: PlayStation Boss makes incredible Fortnite multiplayer announcement
Shuhei Yoshida, president of Sony’s Worldwide Studios, said the firm’s strengths as first-party developers lie in single-player offline games like Uncharted and The Last Of Us.

But when it comes to online play, and games like shooters Fortnite and Call of Duty, the company regrettably admits it has some shortcomings.

Yoshida told Develop: Brighton, a games developer conference, that he wished the company was “more successful on the multiplayer side as well.”

It comes after Epic Games hot Fortnite continues to dominate the multiplayer space, breaking records and earning millions on downloadable items for its free-to-play battle royale shooter.

Yoshida went on to talk about the reasons for the concentration on solo-play titles, with the elites of Spider-Man fast approaching release date.

Noting that “making games of any type nowadays is so difficult,” and that single-player games are the area in which the company’s first-party studios are most capable, he said: “this is the area in which [our studios] have a chance to push this art forward”.

Yoshida’s game teams had a duty to not just to “follow success in the market,” in a nod to Fortnite, but also to “follow their hearts.”

He added: “It just so happens that we are fortunate to have these teams to push forward with these types of games.”

Colleague Shaun Layden added recently:

“We’re not here to create games that steal market share from other publishers.

“Because we manage the platform, it’s not to steal pieces of the pie. It’s to grow the entire pie.”

The news arrived shortly before Fortnite launched it’s fifth season, which looks set to be it’s biggest and best yet.

There’s plenty of new skins (and leaked skins) as well as plenty of new features introduced with the games new Battle Pass.

Want to know more? You’ll find the majority of info you need to dive into the game new update, just below:

  • Fortnite Season 5 Official Skins
  • Fortnite Season 5 LEAKED Skins from TwoEpicBuddies
  • Fortnite Season 5 Battle Pass? How to buy it and how much does it cost?
  • Fortnite Season 5 Patch Notes
  • Fortnite Season 5 Week 1 Challenges
  • Fortnite Floating Lightning Bolts Challenge Solved
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