Home Play Station PlayStation Plus offers Just Cause 3 and more in August

PlayStation Plus offers Just Cause 3 and more in August

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August is all about major franchises in the PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection, with Just Cause 3 and Assassin’s Creed Freedom Cry both available free to subscribers, Sony announced today.

Avalanche Studios’ Just Cause 3 launched in December 2015, and is notable for being a game whose performance is significantly improved by the PS4 Pro’s Boost Mode. Freedom Cry originated in December 2013 as an add-on for Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag, and publisher Ubisoft released it as a stand-alone game in February 2014. It tells the story of Adewale, a former slave attempting to liberate slaves on Haitian plantations.

Those are two of the three PlayStation 4 titles for the month, along with indie hit Downwell, which is a PlayStation Vita game that’s also available on PS4 via cross-buy. The other Vita title is Noego Games’ Level 22, a stealth game set in an office. On the PlayStation 3 side, the two free games are XGen Studios’ Super Motherload, an adventure game set on Mars, and Gamoola Soft’s Snakeball, a 3D version of Snake.

Sony also announced that Dreadnought, the free-to-play aerial combat game set in space, will launch in open beta on Aug. 1. All PlayStation Plus subscribers will get the Ravenswood Plus Pack free, and will be able to buy a PlayStation Plus Pack for $20. In addition, Plus subscribers can play Doom for free from July 27-30 and get the game at a 50 percent discount through Aug. 3.

Finally, Plus subscribers get a bonus in the PlayStation Video Store, too: movie rentals for 99 cents. One movie will be available at that price each week for the next six weeks, starting with The Lego Batman Movie. Another acclaimed superhero film, Logan, will be highlighted next Tuesday, Aug. 1.


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