Home Play Station PlayStation 4 bundle gets you four games and Now TV for £229

PlayStation 4 bundle gets you four games and Now TV for £229

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If you’re yet to enter the current-gen console fray, this deal makes it seriously cheap to join team PlayStation.

Game is offering a cracking PlayStation 4 bundle that nets you four games plus a three-month Now TV Entertainment subscription, all for just £229.99.

That’s not bad considering the bundle is usually on sale at the retailer for a far heftier £274.96, so you’re saving around £45 by picking up this deal.

The four bundled games in question are as follows:

  • Tekken 7 Deluxe Edition
  • Dishonored 2
  • Fallout 4
  • Doom (w/ UAC pack)

Buy Now: PlayStation 4 bundle at Game for £229.99

We gave the Sony PlayStation 4 a respectable 4/5 score in our review, giving praise to the console’s quietness, energy efficiency, and attractive design.

Here’s our verdict: “The new design won’t be for everyone, but it’s definitely a step in the right direction, and grew on me during my time with it. It’s smaller, whisper-quiet and sips electricity, making it the best PS4 currently on the market.”

Buy Now: PlayStation 4 bundle at Game for £229.99

We also scored the bundled content quite highly too:

Tekken 7 (4/5): “For those hardcore players there’s plenty to enjoy from the deep, rewarding and varied roster of characters, fully featured and seemingly lag-free online modes, as well as the refinements to the core combat that make Tekken 7 the best since Tekken 3.”

Dishonored 2 (5/5): “Dishonored 2 is a fabulously immersive role-playing game that rewards exploration, experimentation and repeat playthroughs. It’s a shade less well-written than its forebear, but it’s far better designed. The Clockwork Mansion will likely go down as one of the all-time best missions in gaming, and Dishonored 2 may well be the best game of 2016.”

Fallout 4 (4/5): “It can be rough around the edges and it takes a while to gel, but once it does this is as gripping an RPG as Bethesda has ever produced. We’ll handle disappointments like the lengthy loading times, poor facial animation and minor bugs because Fallout 4’s world is so rich, strange and beautiful, and because the stories you can make in it are so compelling. Buy it, then dig in for the season.”

Doom (4/5): “This is the Doom you’ve been waiting for, packed with gruesome, unrelenting action, gore and one of the finest monster menageries in gaming. The reliance on staged arena battles makes for a slightly repetitive campaign, but it’s enormous fun in its own brutal way. Throw in a set of solid multiplayer modes and the intriguing SnapMap option, and you have a Doom that’s good enough to restore your faith.”


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