Home Play Station Star Wars Battlefront 2 Could Be Revealed on April 13

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Could Be Revealed on April 13

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Star Wars Battlefront 2 Could Be Revealed on April 13


  • Star Wars Battlefront 2 could be officially announced soon
  • This has been hinted on the Star Wars Celebration page
  • It will be published by Electronic Arts

Star Wars Battlefront 2 could be revealed at the Star Wars Celebration in Orlando on April 13. This has been hinted on the website for the event.

“Guests attending Star Wars Celebration in Orlando will get an opportunity to hear what’s new on the Star Wars gaming front from Electronic Arts,” a post from the Star Wars Celebration website reads.

Earlier, EA has stated that Star Wars Battlefront 2 will be available around this time next year.

During an investor call EA’s Chief Financial Officer Blake Jorgensen was asked by an analyst about the release date of the next Battlefront game to which he confirmed a sequel will be out “a year from now.”

“We’re working very hard on making sure that is an extremely deep and engaging offering,” Jorgensen claimed.

When EA announced Star Wars Battlefront 2 around six months ago, it said a sequel could be expected between April and December. Jorgensen’s comments suggest that it would be out in November – ostensibly just ahead of the movie as was the case with Star Wars Battlefront.

In a previous call Jorgensen said it would have “bigger and better worlds.” While he said it would use content from “the new movies” he didn’t name any specifically.

We’re hoping that EA adds a single-player campaign this time around. It was sorely lacking from the 2015’s release – which was a multiplayer-only affair. Despite an astounding degree of polish with great visuals and fantastic sound design, it wasn’t a justifiable purchase, more so with copious amounts of paid downloadable content attached to it.

Hopefully EA takes a leaf out of Titanfall 2’s book and make all the DLC free, although that seems unlikely.

Tags: Star Wars, Star Wars Battlefront 2, Star Wars Battlefront, EA, Star Wars Battlefront Sequel, PC games, PC gaming, Star Wars Last Jedi, star wars episode 8, star wars episode viii, star wars celebration
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