Home News The modern-day answers to search engine optimization strategy

The modern-day answers to search engine optimization strategy

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There’s no doubt that the SEO landscape has changed considerably over the years. Once upon a time, it was almost like a rat race as to which company could buy as many powerful links and ultimately skyrocket to the top of the ranks.

Now, things have changed considerably. There tends to be a lot more thought which goes into a search engine optimization strategy, and this is what today’s post is all about.

We will now take a look at some of the best ways to conquer an SEO strategy, and get either yours or your client websites to the top of the SERPS.

Turn to the search quality rater guidelines

This first point has certainly gathered a lot more attention over recent times, with Google’s update in August 2018 providing more food for thought amongst marketing professionals.

While the update that they released might have been classed as “broad”, a lot of people starting hunting for possible reasons why their website might have been affected. The biggest conclusion, reached by many at least, related to their search quality rater guidelines.

In short, this is a 200-page document which shows exactly how Google’s own rankings are rated. They have a team of thousands of search quality raters, who will provide feedback to the company based on the quality of their search results.

As such, a lot of experts are suggesting that a website has to be built, or modified, with these ratings in mind. This can involve everything from a website appearing to be an authority on a certain topic, right the way through to a website having a good rating from other websites (through review sites and the like).

It means that the modern-day strategy is broader and requires input from far more areas of a business.

Turn to authority links

The term “authority links” might be somewhat overused, but this is where a strategy is required. We’re not talking about potentially buying links, but more creating content that the big publications are going to lap up.

If you work in a so-called boring industry, this might be difficult. This is where you can really start to think out of the box though; potentially developing tools and campaigns that might not be directly related to your topic, but have at least some bearing on it and are interesting enough for the press, and other high-profile publications, to cover.

Don’t be afraid of new technologies

If there ever was a time of SEO tapping into broader areas of your business, it’s now.

Several years ago, some companies were reluctant to develop responsive designs. As it turns out, those that made the move first reaped the rewards – and became market leaders. Eventually, everyone had to follow suit and jump on the mobile bandwagon.

With new technologies like AMP and PWA now on the scene, you have the opportunity to be the first in your market for these. Indirectly, this will boost your SEO results considerably.

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