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Minister calls for widespread participation in Education Week

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KINGSTON, Jamaica — Education Minister Ruel Reid has called for the participation of all Jamaicans in Education Week in a bid to build a sense of community, and actively support our education system.

“Education Week, observed annually May 1 to 7, offers an opportunity for all Jamaicans to celebrate the important role that education plays in promoting equity, the achievements of our students and the invaluable work of our educators in building our society,” the minister said in a statement.

He said the move underscores the partnership between teachers, parents and students and “highlights education as the path that leads away from poverty and despair towards a future full of hope, promise and prosperity”.

Reid explained that the government has made a lifelong learning a priority and is serious about providing all children with good life choices. “We are resolute about our nation’s economic strength and must get rid of the obsolete belief that a quality education begins at age four and ends at eighteen,” he added.

 “The Ministry of Education, Youth and Information applauds the Jamaica Teachers’ Association for this endeavour. I encourage every Jamaican to participate in the activities planned for this week, which I anticipate will further build a sense of community, and actively support our education system. Each week and every week, let us find ways to promote the shared mission of making sure that, ‘Every Child Can Learn, Every Child Must Learn!’” the statement said.
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