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6 things to avoid while playing rummy

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Rummy is a favourite among all card players in India. The beauty of the game is that you can play the game with people of any age. There is no limitation on the number of players to play rummy with. This means it can be played between just 2 players or even a group of people. However, there are things you must strictly avoid when you are playing rummy if you really wish to win the game. Here we have listed down 6 such things that you must strictly avoid while playing rummy:

Get Excited on a Good Hand

Indian Rummy is a game where if you are not careful while playing, the opponent may simply win the game. Many times, card games, and especially rummy, requires you to not reveal your emotions. Just imagine you are playing rummy with a close friend. As you pick the cards, your excitement shows on the face. A close friend can surely guess that you have got a good hand. If your friend has got a glimpse of a few cards in your hand, it becomes easier for her to guess through your expressions what card you just got. It will give him/her chance to guess the next move or even leave the game if there are fewer chances of winning.

Keep Extra Cards of the Same Number/ Sign

One mistake many of the players make is store several cards of the same sign. They may use a card of a particular sig and number for a sequence and use a duplicate card for the set. Instead, disposing off one of the two can mean replacing the sequence with another card. This means you are increasing the chances of calling it a hand. So, next time you play rummy card game, don’t make the mistake of keeping multiple cards of the same sign and number.

Keep the Mobile on the Side

Concentration plays a key role in winning a round of rummy game. That is why, it is wise to keep away distractions like the mobile phone away when you are playing rummy with actual cards. This tip does not apply if you are playing the game on your mobile phone of course.


A player who cheats in a game of rummy, or for that matter, any other card game, actually misses out many benefits this game offers. The game actually teaches the player intuitive and organising skills. A cheat misses out this golden opportunity.

Talk During the Game

While some players may take their own leisure time to play their turn, it is still not wise to talk in between turns. Talking will distract you and may give the opponent an opportunity to get a sneak peek into your cards.

Listening to FM During the Game

While multitasking is in vogue, it is still not advisable to listen to FM in between turns as it may distract you. Make sure you keep your focus on the rummy game at hand.

Rummy is no longer restricted to households and now you can play rummy online anywhere with Khelplay Rummy coming up with the unique app for players around the world.

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